Where Clarity Meets Care
Class Project • Winter 2024
Remedi is a platform designed to improve medical patients’ healthcare journey with its innovative ecosystem, which includes effortless appointment scheduling and comprehensive transcript record-keeping. Remedi places the control of your well-being into your own hands.
Chloe Au Yeung
Ellie Fowler
Angelia Legaspi
Santos Torres
Interaction Design Lead
UI Designer
UX Researcher
Figma, Adobe Suite, Rhino 3D, Keyshot
Jan - Mar 2024 (10 Weeks)
Final Concept

Problem Statement
Medical appointments can be stressful. Without reminders, patients typically retain only around 49% of the information conveyed by their doctors. Patients experience confusion and discomfort due to a lack of understanding and miscommunication between them and their healthcare providers.
User Research
We sent out a survey to inquire about patients’ experiences with going to a medical appointment, in which 21 participants responded. We noticed repeating keywords from their responses such as: Time, Respect, Communication, Patience, and Transparency. Our patient participants said:
“I communicated well but tests were run that didn't make sense or weren't explained very thoroughly which was intimidating.”
“I don’t want to take up the doctor’s time so sometimes things that concern me aren’t being discussed.”
We also sent out a survey to inquire about medicial officers’ experiences with preparing for a medical appointment, in which 13 participants responded. 6 participants strongly agreed that getting required patient documents is unpredictable, 5 respondents said that the electronic health documentation process negatively influences their overall work satisfaction. Our medical staff participants said:
“There's also so much down time just clicking through tabs, and nothing is placed conveniently.”
“A lot of documentation is duplicated across various tabs which can be time consuming and confusing.”
Diary Studies
We asked 5 medical officer staff and 6 patients to participate in diary studies about the before, during and after of medical appointments to understand the user journey of both patients and medical staff.
User Journey
From the diary studies, we created user journey maps for both patients and medical staff to analyze the tasks, emotions and pain points that they experience about medical appointments.


Medical staff
Data Affinitization
We gathered all the data from our survey and diary studies and affinitized the data. From this we were able to come up with our possible areas of opportunities and our how might we statement.

Value Proposition Canvas

How might we...
improve communication between doctors and patients to ensure patient understanding of their own health while providing a seamless documentation structure?
Lo-fi Wireframes


Pivot in problem statement
Our original problem statement was improving the experience for medical staff workers when using the Electronic Record System (EHR). However, after doing the primary research and considerations, we realized that we did not have enough time to create and prototype a better-designed EHR system within our class time of 10 weeks. We immediately decided to pivot and shifted our focus more onto the patient side. From our interviews and survey data, we found data repetition of patients mentioning that they were confused and stressed after their medical appointments. It was a common struggle that most patients faced and we believed that it was another important problem to tackle. Improving the medical appointment experience became the main focus of our project onwards.
What if patients were able to have a full record of their appointment that they can view and listen afterwards?
We decided to create an app prototype, a physical prototype and a desktop application prototype for our solution.
App prototype: Allowing patients to view their appointment records with transcripts
Desktop prototype: Allowing medical physicians to also view the patient’s appointment records with transcripts
Physical prototype: A pin that medical physicians wear which records the appointment with transcripts
Mid-fi Wireframes
We started building our mid-fi app wireframes based on our lo-fi wireframes, but with changes in functionalities. We developed the layout, functionality and information architecture of our app, along with exploring different shades of grey for visual hierarchy. We also 3D modelled the shape of our physical pin.


Physical Pin
User Testing Round 1
We conducted a round of user testing among 6 users. We created a set of tasks for users to complete within our app and asked them for feedback about what they liked, and what they think can be improved on.

Add a new note for upcoming appointment
Start a new transcript (Pair, Transcript)
View a past transcript
View a vocabulary term

Testers had a lot of difficulty finding “past transcripts,” info arc needed to be redone
Wording for adding a new appointment was confusing, users got two buttons confused
Vocabulary terms need to be more accessible, took too many clicks to get to a definition
Transcribe feature needs a bit more thought on how it will function in the actual office
Home page had all of the information wanted out of a home page
Transcribe was easy to find and the process of pairing was understandable
Appointments page is easy to digest and understand
Keep it clean and simple going into hi-fi
We took the insights from user testing and made improvements to our UI screens. Here are some of the major iterations we made:

Shortened transcript process

Nav bar changed

Moved the pause button

Homepage overhaul
User Testing Round 2
We conducted another round of user testing among 3 users. We again created a set of tasks for users to complete within our app and asked them for feedback about what they liked, and what they think can be improved on.

Schedule a new appointment
Start a live transcription
View past transcript

Users still had trouble finding past transcripts. They struggled less than the first round of testing, but still struggled
The day by day calendar on the schedule appointment screen did not make sense to users
The confusion indicator button did not match the function, users did not understand the use of the button
Overall flow of the app made sense, users did not have any major concerns other than transcripts
Screens were very scannable and readable, super easy to digest
Scheduling an appointment was straightforward, a more unique feature that allows for more flexibility
Users liked transcription as a unique feature that increases accessibility
Hi-fi Wireframes



Accessible Anytime, Anywhere
Carry your medical history in your pocket. Access the app 24/7, ensuring your health information is available whenever you need it.

Seamless Scheduling
No more waiting on hold—book, cancel, or reschedule medical appointments effortlessly.

Efficient Record-Keeping
Experience hassle-free doctor visits with automated appointment transcripts. Easily mark and review definitions with your doctor.

Summarized Insights
Receive personalized summaries of each medical appointment to review key points at a glance.

Pairing Your Pin
Healthcare providers can manage their pin from their desktop with the remedi plugin.
No need to learn a new EHR system, just install and access on the right hand side whenever needed.

Live Transcript
Simplify the documentation process with automatic transcripts.
Receive realtime alerts when the patient is confused.
Final Prototypes


It’s normal to have set backs and pivot if needed
We have shifted our focus multiple times which led to us having to restart our directions for the wireframes and research. It was hard decision because we were running short on time within the 10 weeks, but the outcome of this project proved that our decision was worth it.
User research is essential
As we are trying to improve a physical experience, it was crucial to do user research and understand the current experience in order to find areas of opportunities in improving it. User research in our project played an important role and making sure we were going in the correct direction, which included our problem pivot. It is always worth it to spend more time on user research to fully empathize and find the best solution.